Now I get to critique myself. I posted six of my favorites here. Overall, I'm pleased. I thought the composition was good. Some of the colors were amazing. We were surrounded by tall, tall trees which made the background very green once blurred. Her pink shirt gave a lovely contrast. I'm usually a black & white person but I love the color best this time. For the first few photos, the sun was coming through the tops of the trees and the light was brilliant. Then the sun went away. It wasn't exactly dark but my camera's built in meter was screaming for more light. I had the aperture wide open to create the blurred background, so that let in plenty of light. But, I made a judgement call to use flash just in case. I had nothing to bounce it from and since I'm still buying equipment and lack mostly everything, I had to use it right on top of the camera. If I could go back to the shoot, I would not use the flash. Some of the images are too light. I also washed out some of Brooke's detail in her face in a few images. Also, a few photos had some harsh shadows. But, that's ok. I made a judgement call using the equipment that I had.
I still see serious improvement in my ability to act quickly and to judge what to do in the situation. Having certain pieces of equipment will help in the future with this type of situation. I still have so much to learn but I can really see my improvements. I also notice myself applying many things that I have recently learned, which is great. I think I did ok at overcoming my shyness too. So, thanks to the B family for giving me the opportunity to learn with their beautiful girl!